Supported Drivers
List Supported Drivers
API Documentation
Organization -> Organizations
Organization -> Workspaces
Organization -> Projects
Projects (Deprecated)
Projects -> Api Key
Data -> Catalogs
Data -> Internal Tables
Data -> Queries
Data -> Semantic Catalogs
Data -> Cache
Embedded Peaka Api
Supported Drivers
Data -> Metadata
- PUTUpdate Metadata
- PUTUpdate Relation From Metadata
- DELDelete Relation From Metadata
- PUTGenerate categorical values from the the column.
- POSTGenerate semantics for the table
- POSTAdd Relation To Metadata
- GETList of golden sqls for the project.
- POSTCreate golden sql for the project
- GETGet Project Metadata
- GETGet Project Catalog Metadata Relations
- GETGenerate sample ai questions for the project
- DELDelete golden sql from the project.
Supported Drivers
List Supported Drivers
curl --request GET \
"JDBC": "jdbc:peaka://",
"SQL_ALCHEMY": "peaka://{catalogName}?http_scheme=https&extra_credential=[[\"peakaKey\",\"gk4aUnCO.IYxkP1NxP67YkVViqYGZd4INpUAr04TE\"]]&access_token=true"
Query Parameters
Catalog name.
Drivers such as sql_alchemy supports only one catalog at a time. So specific catalog name must be provided in order to use.
200 - */*
List of supported drivers
The response is of type string
curl --request GET \
"JDBC": "jdbc:peaka://",
"SQL_ALCHEMY": "peaka://{catalogName}?http_scheme=https&extra_credential=[[\"peakaKey\",\"gk4aUnCO.IYxkP1NxP67YkVViqYGZd4INpUAr04TE\"]]&access_token=true"