Projects (Deprecated)
Create Project
API Documentation
Organization -> Organizations
Organization -> Workspaces
Organization -> Projects
Projects (Deprecated)
Projects -> Api Key
Data -> Catalogs
Data -> Internal Tables
Data -> Queries
Data -> Semantic Catalogs
Data -> Cache
Embedded Peaka Api
Supported Drivers
Data -> Metadata
- PUTUpdate Metadata
- PUTUpdate Relation From Metadata
- DELDelete Relation From Metadata
- PUTGenerate categorical values from the the column.
- POSTGenerate semantics for the table
- POSTAdd Relation To Metadata
- GETList of golden sqls for the project.
- POSTCreate golden sql for the project
- GETGet Project Metadata
- GETGet Project Catalog Metadata Relations
- GETGenerate sample ai questions for the project
- DELDelete golden sql from the project.
Projects (Deprecated)
Create Project
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "Sample Project Name"
"id": "URNg0GIj",
"name": "Sample Project Name",
"description": "Non accusantium ducimus accusantium. Laborum eum accusamus sit sit hic eaque doloremque. Occaecati blanditiis facere consequuntur consectetur culpa reiciendis hic tempore dolorem. Saepe impedit nam necessitatibus maxime numquam voluptatum cum. Adipisci mollitia blanditiis sint inventore ex commodi occaecati ipsam quas.",
"domain": "sampleprojectname-cdcn",
"webhookBaseUrl": "",
"createdAt": "2024-09-10T10:11:02.385253956Z"
Project to create
Project name
"My Project"
Descriptive text about the project
"This is a project that does something"
200 - application/json
Project created
Project ID
Project name
Descriptive text about the project
Domain of the project
Webhook base URL
The date and time the project was created
The owner of the project
The workspace to which the project belongs
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "Sample Project Name"
"id": "URNg0GIj",
"name": "Sample Project Name",
"description": "Non accusantium ducimus accusantium. Laborum eum accusamus sit sit hic eaque doloremque. Occaecati blanditiis facere consequuntur consectetur culpa reiciendis hic tempore dolorem. Saepe impedit nam necessitatibus maxime numquam voluptatum cum. Adipisci mollitia blanditiis sint inventore ex commodi occaecati ipsam quas.",
"domain": "sampleprojectname-cdcn",
"webhookBaseUrl": "",
"createdAt": "2024-09-10T10:11:02.385253956Z"