Create Connection
This endpoint allows you to create a new connection for a specified project.
You need to provide the project ID and the connection details in the request body.
The connection details include the name, type, and credentials required for the connection.
Depending on the connection type, additional parameters may be required under credentials.
You can view the list of supported connection types by calling the /connections/config endpoint.
You can switch examples from the second dropdown of the sample request component. (cURL (first dropdown) - Stripe Connection Request (second dropdown))
Note: Typically, the connection creation process involves the following steps:
- First, learn about the connection type and the required parameters by calling the /connections/config endpoint.
- Create a connection request with the required parameters.
- If the connection requires Oauth2 authorization, there may be additional steps to follow. See for more information.
- POSTGRES Connection Configuration:
GET /connections/config endpoint displays all of the connection types.
GET /connection/config/POSTGRES endpoint displays the POSTGRES connection configuration.
The definition of the POSTGRES connection configuration is as follows:
"connectionType": "POSTGRES",
"connectionTypeLabel": "PostgreSQL",
"name": "PostgreSQL",
"authorizationType": "custom",
"credentialSchemaType": "postgres_credential_schema",
"category": "Database",
"configuration": [
"fieldName": "url",
"fieldType": "text",
"required": true,
"description": "URL"
"fieldName": "port",
"fieldType": "number",
"required": true,
"description": "Port"
"fieldName": "user",
"fieldType": "text",
"required": true,
"description": "User"
"fieldName": "password",
"fieldType": "text",
"required": true,
"description": "Password"
"fieldName": "databaseName",
"fieldType": "text",
"required": true,
"description": "Database Name"
"fieldName": "useSsl",
"fieldType": "boolean",
"required": true,
"description": "Use SSL"
"documentationUrl": ""
According to the POSTGRES connection configuration, the connection request should include the following parameters (respecting to the required flag):
- url: URL of the host IP or domain
- port: Port number
- user: User of the database
- password: Password of the user
- databaseName: Name of the database
- useSsl: Boolean value to indicate whether to use SSL
"name": "examplePostgre",
"type": "POSTGRES",
"credential": {
"url": "<host ip or domain>",
"port": 5432,
"user": "userOfYourDB",
"password": "passwordOfUser",
"databaseName": "yourDBName",
"useSsl": false
Path Parameters
ID of the project
The url to redirect to after an oauth connection is established.
Credential object for the connection.
Its structure is dependent on the connection type and can be fetched by following url: /connections/config
Name of the connection given by the user
Type of connection.
Example: airtable for AirTable, stripe for Stripe, hubspot_access_token for HubSpot (with Access Token), etc.
Exact list can be fetched by following url: /connections/config
Connection ID
Name of the connection
Type of connection.
Example: airtable for AirTable, stripe for Stripe, hubspot_access_token for HubSpot (with Access Token), etc.
Exact list can be fetched by following url: /connections/config
Oauth callback url if the connection is Oauth based.