How to customize Embedded Peaka UI
Learn how you can update the Peaka’s UI according to your application
Peaka has built-in design system that makes the application adoptable with different themes and views. This design system helps you to create different themes with using different colors and sizes. With this flexibility you can customize the embedded Peaka’s view and make its look and feel as same as your application.
Peaka design system is built to offer flexibility through CSS variables, allowing you to adjust and personalize the appearance of your application easily.
Here is the reference of the customizable variables.
CSS Reference
General Colors
There are two generic color codes in Peaka’s Design System. Most of the UI components use these color options.
General colors have 5 different variants per class as base
, hover
, dark
, light
, lighter
Primary Colors
You can change the primary colors of the Peaka with overriding following css variables
Secondary Colors
You can override the secondary colors of the Peaka with following css variables.
Severity Colors
There are 6 severity option in Peaka’s Design System. These are Success
, Error
, Warning
, Informative
, Neutral
and Updating
Each severity option has 5 different variants like general colors.
Success Colors
Success colors are used for express result for successful activities or harmless actions.
Warning Colors
Warning colors are used in components that the user should be warn.
Error Colors
Error colors are used for errors and actions that user should reconsider the action.
Informative Colors
These colors are used for informations
Neutral Colors
These are also used for informations. These can be thought as secondary for iformative colors
Updating Colors
These colors are used in ongoing processes in Peaka. Such as caching process.
Text Colors
These are the colors that used in text fields in Peaka.
Border Colors
These are the border colors that used in form components, containers, cards etc.
Background Colors
Peaka uses 5 different background token in its Design System. You can override these tokens to implement your own look and feel
Font Family
You can use your own font families via overrride this variable.
Heading Font Sizes
Peaka Design System allows you to override heading font sizes. These variables are used for heading components.
Label Font Sizes
These font size variables are used for labels, descriptions, component’s labels (such as button) etc.
Body Font Sizes
These font sizes are used for general informations and explanations in the Peaka UI.
Font Weight
These variables set the font weight in all system. It can affect all components in the system.
These are system wide padding sizes. You can override the padding values in order to apply your design system’s your whitespace rules.
These are the default radius values of Peaka Design System. You can override them to apply your radius rules.
These are the basic shadow rules in Cards, Form components, Tooltip’s etc.
These gradients are used in system wide. You can override gradient rule(s) with these variables