This article guides you through the process of connecting MongoDB to Peaka, allowing you to seamlessly access your MongoDB data within the Peaka platform.

Note: Before you begin, ensure that Peaka has been granted the necessary read permissions as shown in the image below.


Important: Ensure that the Peaka IP address is added to your firewall’s safelist to enable access to your MongoDB data.

Before you start, you will need the following information from MongoDB.

MongoDB connection has two type connection way;

  • MongoDB Atlas

    • Password (The password for the MongoDB Atlas user)
    • Atlas Connection String (The connection string for MongoDB Atlas)
      • You can get it on MongoDB Atlas page as in the below image.
  • MongoDB Manual (Self-Hosted)

    • Host (Endpoint without the port or database name)
    • Port (The port used to connect to your database)
    • User (The username of the service account)
    • Password (The password for the service account user)
    • Database Name (The database name of your service)
    • Multiple Replica Seed (Indicate whether MongoDB Atlas is being utilized)

Connecting MongoDB to Peaka

To connect MongoDB to Peaka, follow these steps based on your MongoDB setup:

  1. Navigate to the Settings page on Peaka.
  2. Click on Add First Connection.
  3. In the modal, choose MongoDB from the list of integrations.
  4. Select the connection type based on your MongoDB setup.
  • If you select Atlas;

    1. Enter the connection string and password you have gathered.
  • If you select Manual;

    1. Enter the host, port, user, password, database name, and any other required details.
  1. Click Authorize to complete the connection.

Congratulations! You have successfully connected MongoDB to Peaka. You can now effortlessly access and manage your MongoDB data within the Peaka platform.